is a schema with fields, it can parse any object and return a dict.
If you do not need to make any changes to the field, you can omit field
. The above definition can be simplified to the following code:
The object
field, when parsing an object, will use its field name to get the value of the key for Mapping
objects, and the value of the attribute for other objects.
# Parsing a Mapping object
>>> dog.parse({
... 'name': 'Fido',
... 'breed': 'bulldog'
... })
{'name': 'Fido', 'breed': 'bulldog'}
# Parsing other objects
>>> from types import SimpleNamespace
>>> obj = SimpleNamespace(name='Fido', breed='bulldog')
>>> dog.parse(obj)
{'name': 'Fido', 'breed': 'bulldog'}
You can add additional fields to an object schema with the .extend
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> my_schema.ensure(lambda data: data['end_time'] > data['start_time'], message='The end time cannot be later than the start time').parse({
... 'start_time': datetime(2000, 1, 2),
... 'end_time': datetime(2000, 1, 1),
... })
Traceback (most recent call last):
zangar.exceptions.ValidationError: [{'msgs': ['The end time cannot be later than the start time']}]
>>> my_schema.ensure_fields(['end_time'], lambda data: data['end_time'] > data['start_time'], message='The end time cannot be later than the start time').parse({
... 'start_time': datetime(2000, 1, 2),
... 'end_time': datetime(2000, 1, 1),
... })
Traceback (most recent call last):
zangar.exceptions.ValidationError: [{'loc': ['end_time'], 'msgs': ['The end time cannot be later than the start time']}]
You can assign alias to external data corresponding to field, which will be mapped to field name during parsing.
>>> dog = z.object({
... 'name': z.field(z.str(), alias='nickname'),
... })
>>> dog.parse({'nickname': 'Fido'})
{'name': 'Fido'}
Fields are required by default, but this method allows them to be made optional.
>>> dog = z.object({
... 'name': z.str(),
... 'breed': z.field(z.str()).optional(),
... })
>>> dog.parse({'name': 'Fido'})
{'name': 'Fido'}
It is also possible to provide a default value for the optional field.